Nervafix Tablet


Nervafix Tablet contains an antioxidant combination with 600 mg α-Lipoic Acid, Trace elements (Selenium, Zinc and Chromium Picolinate) and Vitamins (B1, B5, B6, biotin and vitamin E) that have strong anti-inflammatory effects and neurotrophic properties. α-Lipoic Acid is a substance naturally present in animal and plant tissues and maintains its activity both in the aqueous cellular compartments and in the lipidic membrane compartments. α-Lipoic Acid is an endogenous antioxidant capable of preventing the damage caused by oxidative stress. It promotes the regeneration of other endogenous antioxidants such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Glutathione. Moreover, it improves the sensitivity of cells to insulin plus the management of blood sugar. Chromium Picolinate is a biologically active organic chromium capable of controlling glucose levels in the blood by increasing the response to insulin binding. Selenium and Zinc are essential minerals that can improve our Antioxidant defense system. Vitamins of the B group, including the Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), are also known as Antineuritic Vitamin. Of fundamental importance is the presence of Biotin capable of improving skin trophism which becomes compromised when taking long-term α-Lipoic Acid which can block the biosynthesis of endogenous Biotin. The combination of these ingredients can help protect nerve cells from oxidative stress, thereby protect the nervous system from degenerative phenomena.




Each Nervafix Tablet contains Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg, Chromium as Picolinate 100 mcg, Zinc 10 mg, Selenium 50 mcg, Vitamin E 15 mg, Vitamin B5 9 mg, Vitamin B6 3 mg, Vitamin B1 2 mg, Vitamin H Biotin 100 mcg and other ingredients with required excipients.



1 Tablet 2 times daily at least for 3 – 6 months.


Box contains 30 Tablets in blister pack.


Neoventis Biotech, Herbal and Nutraceuticals (NBN)

Valuka, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.